Kevin Cushing
Kevin was a pastor’s kid, and quickly came to understand that
loving God was the most important choice he could make in his life. As
he got older he came to appreciate that a relationship with Jesus Christ
was not only spiritually fulfilling, but intellectually and emotionally
satisfying as well.
Professionally, Kevin started off acting on stage and in media, and
he wrote and directed some Christian films and documentaries when he
was a young man. He spent many years in motion picture and television
development, and then as a marketing executive at a successful dotcom.
Throughout his career, Kevin has maintained a close relationship and
love for the local church and has been a sought-after speaker as well as
writer of devotions and dramatic material used in worship.
“He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making
everything new!” (Revelation 21:5)
Happy New Year! May God use 2025 to start some new and
rewarding things in your life. New projects, new relationships, and new
avenues of ministry.
I always encourage you to use this fresh start to begin a Bible
reading plan for the full year, so that you read the entire Bible over the
course of 2025. There are many great reading plans, apps and Bible
editions that help you do this. Also there are so many Bibles that
provide helpful commentary to give context to those areas of the Bible
that are less familiar. So it’s not too late to get that started. Reading
through the entire Bible in a year involves reading just 3-4 chapters per
day. I promise you will feel deeply rewarded if you get to know every
part of the Bible this year.
Secondly, I encourage you to think about your personal area of
ministry that God has called you to. For some of you, that may be
something you are very aware of and already active in. For others this
may be something you need to pray about—that God would make it
clear to you and that you can get started in an area of serving God that
fits your gifting and your passion. There may be some who are serving
God in some ways, but you sense that God is calling you to something
more, and you need to discern what that is and move closer to the
center of God’s will for your life. I’ve always believed that the church
should be a group of people where each member is using their God-
given gifts joyfully and actively in some fruitful area of service.
So my personal prayer for WHCC in the New Year is that each
member is growing in the knowledge of the Lord and growing in their
confidence and activity in serving God.
We’ve had a wonderful Christmas season and have enjoyed
messages based on Handel’s Messiah. That series on the Messiah will
continue 3 weeks into January, and then on January 26th we will begin
what will be come a 7-week series, based on the sermons contained in
the book of Acts (two by Peter, one by Stephen and four by Paul). This
series will be called “You Will Receive Power.” God promised that
whenever his disciples were called upon to speak on his behalf, that the
Holy Spirit would give them the words to say. So we will see how that
Spirit-inspired preaching played out at key moments in the early church.
Join us for worship each Sunday at 10am, and don’t forget to come
an hour early for Bible Study at 9am. Make it a complete experience
each Sunday morning!
I look forward to an exciting God-centered year with all of you!
In Christ’s love,